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孩子对他未来重要吗英文,Yes, the future is important for a child.


Yes, it is important for a child to plan for their future. Creating a solid vision of what lies ahead and planning for it ensures the child will have the necessary tools and skills to achieve their goals. Having this knowledge and plan will provides children with the direction they need to make the right decisions no matter the situation they find themselves in. For example, having a plan and knowledge of what direction to go in can help a young person when making decisions around career, relationships and financial decisions. Knowing where one wants to be in the future and what steps to take to get there can provide a sense of motivation, direction and purpose to a child and potential positive outcomes in the future. Developing a plan for the future also teaches children important lessons about goal setting, an important life skill. Planning for their future also teaches children the importance and value of goal setting, hard work and perseverance, while also teaching valuable problem solving skills that they can rely on throughout life.



