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短道速滑手套很重要吗英语 手套的英语怎么说


Yes, Short Video Tags Are Important. Short video tags is an effective categorization tool that helps in sorting, organizing, and finding similar types of videos depending on the contextual information associated with it. This improves visibility on search engines, so short videos gain more exposure when posted with relevant tags and descriptions. Tags helps to group short videos according to the topic and in many ways encourages people to watch certain videos. Also, tags narrow down the result when someone searches for a similar content. By also enabling the keyword search of short videos, using tags is a great way to categorize videos related to the same topic. For example, if someone searches for the hashtag



The English word for gloves is "gloves". Gloves are a type of clothing accessory that is worn mostly on the hands for protection and to absorb perspiration. They also provide warmth in cold weather. Gloves are usually made from materials such as leather, cotton, synthetic fabric, rubber, neoprene, knit fabrics, and even metal chainmail. They come in a range of sizes and styles, and may include features such as extra insulation, gripping surfaces, or support for the wrist. Gloves are often worn in winter for protection from the cold and wind, and in the summer to help keep hands dry and free from sweat. Some are specialized for motorcycle riding, gardening, woodworking, or medical purposes. Additionally, driving gloves may be worn while driving to create better grip and reduce vibration. Gloves may also be worn to protect hands from potential hazards while carrying out activities such as handling chemical solutions or hazardous materials. In such cases, gloves may be selected based on the material’s ability to resist specific agents. Finally, gloves are also worn as a fashion accessory to complete a look or provide insulation in extreme temperatures. Glove choices can often reflect individual style, and these days they come in a variety of colors and patterns.


羽绒服的英语是Down Jacket。

Down 是羽毛或绒毛的通称,羽绒服也称为Down coat,是一种里面充满了抵抗寒冷的细密绒丝、加上外用硝染羽毛填充的夹克。









